Mess Up

Dear, Life.
Tonight, I got a quiet much confession with you. I'm tired right now having all my ambitions and emotions affect me for this whole 2 months for the project that I'm working on. I think it will be better if I do what I'm supposed to do rightly.

Do what you love. Love what you do. That what supposed to be what I do. I notice that since the thought of making impoverished children can eat in a good way, it incriminating my mind by all the expectation that I put inside of myself, and it kills me / degrade my enjoyment level of living this life. And, I'm done with it!

This kind of social work should be done in an enjoyment way to be impactful I thought. Not at all right that this project was created with all furious and a fiery-hearted that stressed me out in the end. I'm glad that I realize this thing before I turn again into my sickness or another psychology error inside of me. One thing I put into my mind tonight, love yourself before another thing, although another is the priority. Or in other words, you're the one who knows the best of you, so that you should treat yourself right firstly beyond another thing.

With love and bad grammar,

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